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2010: Ph.D. in Computer Engineering and Computer Science

University of Louisville, KY.
Defense expected on February 2011.
Dissertation: Fuzzy clustering with learnable cluster dependent kernels.
Advisor: Dr. Hichem Frigui.

2006: 1 year of M.S. of Automatic and Signal Processing

National School of Engineering of Tunis, Tunisia, June 2005.
Thesis: Speech separation using wavelet analysis.
Advised by: Dr. Amal Ben Slimane.Ranked: 3/120.

2002: B.S. Electrical Engineering

National School of Engineering of Monastir, Tunisia, June 2002.
Graduation Project : Medical image processing.
Advised by: Dr. Najoua Ben Amara.
Graduation with highest honors and Presidential award .

1999: Associate Degree in Mathematics and Physics

Preparetory engeneering studies in Mathematics and Physics (Math SUP-Math SP). L'Institut Preparatoire des Etudes Scientifique de Tunis IPEST . Advanced studies in mathematics and physics are carried out on two years after which students present the entrance examination for Tunisian or French engineering colleges.The program is both the French and Tunisian preparatory classes with major in math and physics.